Mooshy La La

Bringing Bohemian Glamour from Decadent Decades Past!


peacock drawing

I just LOVE dressing the windows at Mooshy La La, I find displaying & dressing the windows & display cabinets so relaxing & therapeutic! I love planning the design & colour schemes, this has always been a major part of my work in all my places of work!

Last year my theme was white feathers & flappers, I was so pleased with it! I adore the window dressed in white especially in the winter as this stretch of Smithdown Road is quite dark and because the exterior of my shop is black the white really stands out!

window 13 xmas

Last years Christmas window (2013)

As I had the shop window dressed in predominantly White,  with black and oodles of pearls for the  CocoLaLa event I really couldn’t do white again!


Chanel inspired window display for Coco La La Charity event

So COLOUR it was!!!!

I have a THING about peacock feathers, (a bit of an obsession you might say!)

So it was a no-brainer!…………………… ‘A PEACOCK FANTASY GARDEN’

                       Choosing greens, peacock blues & purple, I bought lots of organza voile acrylic paints – OH! & I JUST HAPPENED TO HAVE AT HOME SOME BEAUTIFUL PEACOCK FEATHER BAUBLES & BEADS ♥


My first job was to paint huge vibrant peacock feathers coming from each lower corner of the  inside of the windows, for this I used acrylics in shades of green, turquoise, & purple! My next job was to attach the turquoise voile around the actual frame of the window, I inserted some huge real tree branches on either end of the window, which had been lightly sprayed gold & draped them with strings of lights and some beautiful peacock baubles I had from home. My centre piece was a stunning Italian crystal chandelier which I added strings & strings of amethyst & turquoise sparkling beads.


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Peacock Feathers have been used for healing for tens of thousands of years in every culture throughout time. They are said to carry Spiritual Healing Energy that can be used to assist people seeking balance and harmony in their lives.



Buddhists associate peacock feathers with openness, since the birds display everything when they spread their tails. Buddhists also ascribe great meaning to the bird’s diet of poisonous plants–the ability to thrive in the face of suffering.

I must remark I was quite pleased with the final result!

(Would you believe I am actually starting to think of display ideas already for Christmas ’15)

PicMonkey Collage

See how 2015 Christmas window turned out … click on photo below↓


Christmas 2015

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